Silver Is The New Gray — How To Stay Healthy And Fit Before And After 50
I am no doctor, nor have I ever played one on TV or anywhere throughout social media. I’m just an all-around health-conscious guy who is always seeking out, researching, and willing to share any information regarding attaining and maintaining optimum physical, mental, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health. So, before you implement anything I say, write, or suggest here or anywhere, on any of my blogs, columns, or posts on, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, etc, you should always first consult with your physician, psychologist, therapist or clergy to ensure any such suggestion is the proper path for you. Because we’re all different.
With that said, if you were born healthy and strong, and you later developed a form of disease or physical disorder, chances are a poor diet, smoking, too much alcohol, and a lack of exercise are the main culprits.
Those are the main culprits that lead to the physical and many times the mental, emotional and psychological downfall and breakdown of the human body.
Mix all of that in with negative thinking and beliefs, a lack of life purpose and a compromised environment littered with less-than-positive people, and poisoning chemicals (with the daily use of, for example, some cleaning supplies), and you have the potential genesis of any assortment of deadly disorders.
Fortunately, there is hope, no matter your age.
But rebuilding your body and mind will not happen overnight. It will take time, patience, knowledge, and application — consistently. That’s the key.
The Basics
Here’s the deal: Staying or getting healthy is all about eating and drinking the right foods; drinking a sufficient amount of purified or filtered water; taking it easy or losing altogether red meat, dairy, and processed foods and drinks of every kind. Anything wrapped, boxed, or canned — just toss it.
You have to do what works for you. Everyone’s mind is different. Everyone’s body is different. Everyone’s energy is different. And you just can’t go and change your daily eating habits, overnight, cold turkey. That will mess with
Buy a portable rebounder (small circular trampoline), walk every day, surround yourself with positive-thinking human beings; and don’t gossip or speak ill of anyone, living or dead. Forgive easily, widen your margin of error; cut people some slack when they make a mistake; give yourself a break if you do; and It’s All In Your Mind — And Body — And Spirit
Whatever you focus on, expands. So, just be sure you focus on the positive and not the negative. Because if you focus on the negative, things get worse. But if you focus on the positive, things get better.
That’s just an unspoken law of the universe.
No way around it.
Now, that isn’t to say that I don’t have bad days. Or that I don’t make mistakes. Or that I don’t swear. Or that I think I’m Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Mr. Spock, or just plain holier than thou.
Please. Couldn’t be farther from the truth.
I’m just a guy trying to do the best he can, while hopefully, somehow, someway bringing a little light into the world, with my work, my ways, and my thoughts.
But again: let me be clear:
I am flawed, but I always try to keep myself in check.
If I stub my toe, I might swear. If I am derailed in traffic in an unguarded moment, I might curse.
However, I try not to swear on a regular basis.
I am not a common human being, so I don’t use or speak with common street words on any daily basis. I am an educated individual, so I leave the frequent profanities to the less dignified. And I certainly don’t consciously or directly insert any ignorant or vulgar language into my writings, be they articles, essays, blogs, books, or scripts just for the heck of it, or just because I can.
I have more respect than that for my work — and especially for my readers.
But that’s me. And in the world of creative expression and freedom, people should be able to talk or write or relate or communicate any way they so deem.
A Good Response
But just in case you’re wondering if positive or “rosy” outlooks and thoughts (in life, writing, on social media, and otherwise) make a difference…here’s some proof that they do. A dear friend recently sent me this message which I post here with their permission:
“Just wanted to let you know how your consistent, thoughtful commentary has inspired me today, and how I was rewarded for it.
My most favorite Starbucks has a very weird drive-thru entrance and when I got there this morning two separate people had lined up in the wrong lane to get into the drive-thru. I pulled around to the correct lane which enabled me to cut in front of them in the line.
I admit I was frustrated, I wanted my coffee but then thought about how rude it would be to cut the line.
So the line moves, and I wait, and the gentleman in the wrong lane looked at me, surprised, and then moved up. When the line moved again I let the lady behind him get in front of me as well.
When I get to where I pick up my coffee I find out that the lady in front of me had paid for it. I will be honest, I did not expect this but I was grateful for it.
As I was leaving with my coffee I thought about how much different the situation would have been if I had just cut in front of them. It could have caused anger, bad feelings, possible arguments, and potentially ruined all three of our days.
By taking the ‘Herbie J route’ and just being kind, everybody got what they needed even if it wasn’t as quickly as they would have liked, and everybody left Starbucks feeling a little bit better about themselves and each other than they did when they pulled in.
Herbie J knows what he’s talking about with this kindness stuff.”
Isn’t that nice?
I thought so. It touched me so much when I first read that note. It made me feel wonderful, and like I was making a difference. (Learn more at A Look Back At The Little-Known Bing Crosby Sitcom That Failed in 1965)
Nobody’s Perfect
Look it: We all have problems. We all have challenges. And we live in a broken world, and it’s never going to be fixed. We can hope so. We can pray so. But the truth is the world is pretty much 70% darkness and 30% light.
Those who are positive are already facing an uphill battle. The odds are against us from the get-go. And it seems like things are getting worse.
But even though we can’t eliminate the darkness. We can at least help to keep it from spreading.
And we do that in a few subtle and direct ways, going through the front and back doors along the way.
Firstly, never let anyone make you feel like you’re the only one who makes mistakes.
To reiterate: We all make mistakes.
Never let anyone make you feel anything less than positive and joyful.
Do not allow the martyrdom or false guilt of others to convince you otherwise.
Stay Away From Bullies
An important part of living your optimum life has to do with the individuals you allow in your consistent environment — the friends, family, and associates you hang out with on a daily basis.
Do not allow passive-aggressive individuals in your life who manipulate you into doing their bidding by seducing you with false kindness, false joyful words, and money — just to suit their needs.
If you have only the best of intentions in mind, healthy, strong-minded, good intentions — and if there are those who fail to see that, then let them go. It is not your problem they are unhappy — it is their problem…especially if they are not smart enough to hear the wisdom of your joyful, positive insight.
Here’s a personal story from my youth to help drive this point home:
When I was in high school, I didn’t have much confidence. I was athletic and played sports on the city streets of my neighborhood growing up in Rochester, New York. But I couldn’t get it together to play organized sports in high school. Probably because I was bullied a lot, which was not encouraging behavior by my peers. So, I retreated from such activities, although I regret it today. I could have easily played baseball, soccer, tennis; joined the swimming team — or boxed. I was good at all of those sports.
But because I lacked confidence, and because of the bullying…I didn’t pursue any of that, sadly. And as I look back now, I really don’t even know how I made it through every day. It was tough.
But when I would get bullied, I used to think “Now, why would that mean dude who is so talented…so blessed with grace and ability in football…or baseball…or basketball…whatever it was…why would that individual be so mean and so cruel to me and others who were not as blessed?”
I just never understood it…bullying…and I never really will.
With that said, I have long forgiven those who bullied me in high school. And while I still get bullied today, for one reason or another (if you can believe it!), I feel compelled to forgive those present attacks as well. (Even though I truly still don’t understand those who continue to behave this way.)
I guess, whenever bullied, then or now, we always have to consider the source — and if anything, I have learned not to allow any of that to hold me back today — from being and doing all I was born to be and do!
And if you’re having issues with bullies, you should apply the same strategy…by being positive and smiling…and by following a few more positive steps in the right direction.
Step By Step
Surround yourself only with people who appreciate your positive view, bright light and shiny way of living.
Surround yourself only with positive, uplifting, loving-kind people.
Surround yourself only with people who have your best interests in mind.
Surround yourself only with people who speak joyfully of you, and others.
Surround yourself only with healthy-minded people, even in the midst of what may be their own infirmity.
Stay away from those who hurt you or abuse you in any way, physically, verbally, psychologically, or emotionally.
Stay away from those who constantly curse, or use vulgar words.
Stay away from those who do not believe in any good Universal being or essence who runs the Universe, and/or those who do not believe in Love.
Live your life joyfully and surround yourself only with those who appreciate that joy, and whatever wisdom you profess in any area of life.
If you espouse to be healthy, and you seek only all to be healthy, and if others do not see or appreciate any of your wisdom, kindness, or insight…and if they seek only to be self-destructive, mean-spirited and unhappy…then let them be — and let them go.
Simply bless everyone, even those who do not have your wisdom of Love.
Just live your life joyfully, while blessing on their way others who seek a different path.
Love and forgive all of those who hurt you, while knowing, too, that just because you love and forgive them, that doesn’t mean they have to be in your life. You can still love people from afar, and just leave them be.
Just present your wisdom of Love and Health as best you can, surround yourself with those who are smart enough to see your Love, and let go of everyone else who doesn’t.
Just be happy, share your Love, “let it rest where Jesus flung it,” as they say, and if it doesn’t stick, then just move on — joyfully — for the highest good of all concerned!
Let’s Get Spiritual
It’s my belief and experience that our physical bodies are sacred temples, and we must respect them, again, on a daily basis. Doing so, or not doing so, determines our health, for better or for worse.
It’s not rocket science.
Explained another way: If we somehow experience a cut on the exterior of our skin, we have to treat that abrasion with some form of ointment or aloe vera gel, etc.
Well, guess what?
When we have an injury of some nature on the interior of our bodies, caused either by a developing disease or an improper diet, we have to treat that issue as well.
But how do we do that? We can’t just put some ointment inside our colon as easily as we place ointment across a cut on our skin, right?
Of course not.
But if we’re having a digestive issue of any kind, one of the best ways to help heal that issue, is to ingest the proper foods and drinks.
And let me be clear again: this strategy is for those who are born healthy, and then develop a digestive issue, disease, or disorder from improper eating and drinking habits.
The proper eating/drinking strategy on a regular regimen is always a good thing but with specific regard to healthy individuals who have developed health challenges due to the ingestion of improper meals and liquids.
This strategy does not apply to those who were born with physical disorders or diseases. That’s another matter altogether.
I can’t reiterate that enough.
It’s that simple.
But for those who have been eating and drinking junk foods and liquids, or for those who have over-done-it with an excessive amount of improper foods or drinks (pick your poison!), you can restore and maintain your health by respecting your body temple by eating and drinking healthy foods and liquids.
It’s that simple.
Your health will not be restored overnight. Sometimes it will take years to restore the health of your body temple.
But one thing is for sure:
What you do on a regular basis will determine your health and your healing.
It’s not as though you can’t have a cupcake every once and a while.
But a donut and fried chicken every day?
Healthy foods. Healthy drinks. Exercise. Positive thinking. Love and forgiveness of all who hurt us. Keeping our physicians informed.
All of it combined, leads to, and maintains our health.
Again, it’s not rocket science — but it IS nutritional science.
Pay attention to it — and get and remain healthy and fit — for life!
This article originally appeared on and was syndicated by