JAKARTA – Ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri, the fintech platform P2P lending 360Kredi admitted that it would implement a number of anticipatory measures to reduce bad credit figures in the fintech industry.
360Kredi CEO Kuseryansyah said bad credit was something unwanted to happen. However, this is not an obstacle to continue the body and serve the company’s borrower.
“In fact, it is our encouragement to continue to innovate. For example, by strengthening the credit scoring assessment process, tightening credit scoring, and continuing to take a humane approach to the billing process, as well as the use of technology”, said Kuseryansyah, in his official statement, Sunday, April 7.
Kuseryansyah also said that the e-KYC system currently owned was good, but over time, innovation and investment were needed for the efficiency and effectiveness of the e-KYC.
“The most important thing is of course to ensure that the sustainability of the distribution of funding to borrowers is maintained and well served,” he explained.
Kuseryansyah projects that bad credit figures will be maintained with various mitigations that have been implemented by the company. However, he realized that the economic condition was not yet stable so that 360Kredi would continue to observe and evaluate external factors that would have an impact on the company’s bad credit.
Meanwhile, 360Kredi estimates that the company’s funding distribution will continue to grow. Until the first quarter of 2024, 360Kredi had distributed total funding of up to IDR 2.4 trillion and TKB90 was maintained at 98.49 percent
“Prospects this year, 360Krediis quite optimistic to grow higher than last year’s achievement,” said Kuseryansyah.
Meanwhile, related to the OJK, which is currently working on a new regulation, the upper limit for funding P2P lending fintech in the productive sector, which is currently only IDR 2 billion, 360Kredi welcomes the plan to increase the maximum funding.
“This will certainly expand the scope of fintech lending services to MSMEs which are important contributors to GDP from Indonesian employment, as well as encourage increased lending of fintech lending for MSMEs that are increasingly inclusive,” he said.
Kuseryansyah said the plan was a tangible form in fulfilling the roadmap for development and strengthening fintech lending that was launched by the OJK last year, especially regarding the increase in the portion of productive sector funding which could increase more aggressively.
According to Kuseryansyah for 360Kredi as P2P lending in the consumptive sector, the plan will not have an impact on increasing funds, because in general consumptive funding is below Rp10 million.
On the other hand, 360Kredi held a CSR program by providing compensation to orphans and poor people at the Al-Munawwaroh Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPP), Kembangbahu, Lamongan, East Java.
The CSR #360KrediBerbagi activity, which was held at YPP Al-Munawwaroh, provided compensation to 126 orphans and dhuafa in the form of food packages such as rice, cooking oil, instant noodles and other staples.
“This CSR activity is a form of our social responsibility as a fintech service to the social environment”, said Kuseryansyah.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the YPP organizing committee Al-Munawwaroh Ahmad Fathony ‘We certainly express our deepest gratitude to 360Kredi. This activity can teach students not only to have religious provisions, but also to have a personality who has a social spirit, is superior and has character in the future,’ he concluded.