This Rapid Market Assessment (RMA) is a suppliment to the MAU Market Price Report in South Sagaing Region. It provides township-level data on market functionality, activity, supply, and logistics. Data were collected through observation and KIIs with retailers during Feb. 21-27, 2024. Reports available at
• Markets remained open and operational, but security was poor in Myaung, Shwebo and Yinmarbin;
• Many foods and NFIs were available, although NFIs were generally less available than food items;
• Fuel and medicines were scarce regionwide, and and rice and cooking oil were limited in Monywa;
• Regional trade remained possible, but supply lead times ranged from two days to two weeks;
• Monywa, Mandalay and Yangon supplied goods to markets in the region, and costs were fairly stable;
• Security and transportation were key challenges for retailers, while other challenges were moderate.
Regional Overview
Market Functionality – Markets continued to operate regularly, but security was poor in some markets. Markets were generally open and there were no reports of recent damage or closures, but markets in Myaung, Shwebo Town, and Yinmarbin were described as relatively unsafe.
Market Activity – Activity in town and village markets was stable or falling in recent months. Markets in Shwebo and Yinmarbin had contracted sharply in past months, and customer activity was down in Monywa Town market. Other markets saw little change in activity, while the Ye-U village had seen customers increase as peopled visited from other townships.
Availability of Goods – Goods were generally available in markets, but fuel and medicines were scarce. The availability of food items was sometimes better than for NFIs, but overall many goods were available. The Yinmarbin village market was an exception as it lacked some foods and many NFIs. Poor availability of fuel and medical-related items was common across markets in the region.
Transport & Logistics – Retailers supplied from Yangon, Mandalay and Monywa, but lead-times varied. Supply lead-times varied greatly by market and ranged from as little as two days to as much as two weeks.
Retailer Challenges – Retailers struggled most with security and transportation. Poor security was a common concern for retailers across markets, as was poor transportation and supply. Retailers in Shwebo Town reported the most challenges, and Shwebo and Yinmarbin retailers both reported weak demand.
Possible Interventions – Retailers said interventions could help them increase inventory but only slightly. Most retailers were willing and able to increase inventory provided support, but they were likely to increase it only slightly. This may be due to the fact that goods appeared to be already fairly available in most of the markets monitored.
What to Watch
• Availability of fuel and medicines was consistently poor across the region;
• Security concerns in Monywa in early-March may further reduce customer activity in this key market;
• Remote village markets like that in Yinmarbin likely face poorer food and NFI availability.