A wanted man was arrested on suspicion of a string of offences after a car, thought to be linked to a number of thefts across Manchester, was stopped by police near the city centre on Sunday (May 26).
Officers from GMP’s Roads Policing Unit saw the vehicle being ‘driven suspiciously’ along Princess Road. They had also received intelligence from other forces that the car had entered the city.
Police said they believed the vehicle had been ‘involved in a spate of thefts of car wheels from Range Rovers across Cheshire and Manchester’ in recent months.
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The car was followed and brought to a stop near to the city centre, with several Range Rover wheels found inside that are suspected to have been stolen.
Greater Manchester Police said the driver was also wanted by officers in Lancashire for indecent exposure and fraud. The 26-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of theft, indecent exposure and fraud.
Police Sergeant Luke Summerfield of GMP’s Road Policing Unit, said: “Thanks to the quick-thinking actions of officers in Roads Policing we were able to safely stop the vehicle and make the arrest and it’s a great example of cross-border work with neighbouring forces to proactively tackle criminals using the road network to commit offences.
“Whilst we continue to collect intelligence on suspicious vehicles, we urge the public to report anything suspicious or out of place to us.
“You can do this completely anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. If you think any vehicles are connected to theft, drug dealing, anti-social behaviour, or any other offences, please do get in contact by calling 101 or using our Live Chat function online at www.gmp.police.uk.”