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Hyderabad (Telangana): India relies upon the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) while celebrating the greatest festival of democracy, the General Elections. But what exactly are EVMs? An EVM is made up of two parts connected by a five-meter cable: the Control Unit (CU) and the Ballot Unit (BU).

To conduct the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, 1.048 million polling booths will be set up, and 5.5 million EVMs will be used. Additionally, 15 million polling officials and security staff will be deployed with 400,000 vehicles for a seamless voting process. Up to 16 candidates can be served by a ballot unit. One Control Unit can be utilised to accommodate 384 candidates (including NOTA) by cascading 24 ballot units together.

For the benefit of voters who are blind or visually challenged, the numbers 1 through 16 are embossed in Braille along the candidates’ vote button on the right side of the BU. It operates on a 7.5 volt power pack, or battery.

What is a Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)? VVPAT is an independent system attached with the Electronic Voting Machines that allows the voters to verify that their votes are cast as intended. VVPAT runs on a power pack (Battery) of 22.5 volts.

FIRST LEVEL OF CHECKING: Before each election, the authorised engineers of Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) at the DEO level do First Level Checking of the EVMs and VVPATs.

For this reason, at least two days prior to the start of FLC, the concerned DEO sends written invitations to the district and state recognised political parties, with a copy being forwarded to the state headquarters.

The FLC process is overseen by members of State and National Recognised Political Parties. Five per cent of randomly selected EVMs and VVPATs are used for the higher mock poll (1200 votes in 1% EVMs, 1000 votes in 2% EVMs, and 500 votes in 2% EVMs). The number of VVPAT slips is added to the electronic result of the EVM.

They are allowed to pick 5% EVMs and VVPATs randomly and also to do mock poll. The list of FLC-OK VVPATs and EVMs is distributed to all State and Nationally Recognised Political Parties. During FLC, the seals and forms can be signed by representatives of Political Parties that are recognised by the state and national governments.

RANDOMIZATION OF EVMs AND VVPATs:To distribute EVMs and VVPATs Assembly constituency/segment-wise, the first randomization of EVMs and VVPATs is carried out in the presence of National and State Recognised Political Parties.

Lists of the first randomised EVMs and VVPATs (AC/AS-wise) are shared with National and State Recognised Political Parties. Lists of the first randomised EVMs and VVPATs (AC/AS-wise) are also shared with contesting candidates once their lists have been finalised.

Prior to the EVMs and VVPATs being put into service, a second randomisation is carried out in the presence of the candidates running for office in order to assign polling station-specific and reserve machines. The contesting candidates are provided with the list of second randomized EVMs and VVPATs.

COMMISSIONING OF EVMs AND VVPATs:Similarly, EVMs and VVPATs are commissioned for use in polls while the candidates running for office are present. The seals used to seal VVPATs and EVMs may be signed by candidates or their representatives.

SCHEDULE:The DEO will set a timetable for the randomization of CUs and BUs for distribution to ACs in front of recognised political party officials. This timeline should, in any case, be set before the beginning of polling staff training. The randomization process will group the CUs and BUs according to the poll day requirements, including the reserve needed for each constituency, such that the CUs and BUs are chosen at random.

EVM Management System (EMS 2.0): EVM Management System 2.0 is designed to manage inventory of EVM units. One of the important modes to ensure a fair and transparent process in EVM management is the administrative protocol of the two sets of randomisations of the machines before they are deployed in the Polling stations. The randomisations of EVMs/VVPATs are done through EMS 2.0 in the presence of recognized political parties/ contesting candidates/representatives and ECI Observers.

ALLOCATION OF ID:Following the AC-wise grouping of CUs and BUs, each CU and BU will have a “current ID” allocated to them in the appropriate sticker slot. “The AC no followed by a new running serial number for that AC” would be the definition of the “current ID.” For instance, the current ID for the CUs would be from “56/CU/001” to “56/CU/280” if AC No. 56 is assigned 280 CUs and BUs. In a similar vein, the current BU ID would be “56/BU/001 to 56/BU/280.”

ALLOCATION OF EVMs FOR ACTUAL POLL: The customary precaution of notifying the candidates and/or agents in writing of the date and time of the strong room’s opening shall be observed when the EVMs are removed from the room for dispatch.

Before accepting the EVM, the presiding officers will be encouraged to check the machine number on the metal label and the adhesive sticker, as well as confirm that the PS number on the sticker matches the PS number on the address tag. Any discrepancy should be brought to the attention of the dispatch arrangement officer and resolved.

In order for the candidates to check the EVM for their satisfaction prior to the start of the mock poll on election day, it may be advisable for them to provide the polling agent or agents they have designated with the current ID and machine number of the EVM (both CU and BU) assigned to the particular PS. Before the mock poll starts, the presiding officers are advised to show the agents present the sticker with the machine number, current ID, etc.

It is important to remember that the presiding officer must state the number of CUs or CUs used in accordance with the current regulations; serial numbers of the CU/CUs that were used, the BU/BUs that were used, and the BU/BUs that were used at the polling place in the Presiding Officer’s Diary (see Chapter XXVIII, Paragraph 1 of the Handbook for Presiding Officers, 2004) for more information. This directive must be strictly adhered to.

POLLED EVM AND VVPAT STORAGE:Polled EVMs and VVPATs are kept in the strong room with candidates and their delegates present. It is also permissible for candidates or their delegates to affix their seals on the strong room locks. The polled EVMs and VVPATs can be monitored for storage and security by candidates or their agents.

COUNTING DAY: On counting days, the polled strong room is opened in front of the candidates or their representatives, the returning officer, and the ECI observer.

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